China says it will pour 2.5 trillion yuan ($493 billion) into renewable power generation by 2020.

Experts say Brisbane is missing out on significant power possibilities.

Experts have warned of looming health risks from the decommissioned Port Augusta power station.

Adelaide’s high-speed academic internet system will be expanded this year.

More details on the incredible cost of the National Broadband Network have surfaced.

The planet is warming, and if reducing greenhouse emissions is not enough to counter the risk, we may need ...

A new study on controlling the rhythms of the brain has some startling results.

Australian researchers have crafted a new nano-diamond for cutting through ultra-solid materials.

Businesses, academics and experts want nuclear waste dump talks to stay active.

The energy regulator has backed billions of dollars worth of infrastructure upgrades.

Manufacturers will soon start releasing devices with the new Bluetooth 5 protocol.

Experts have warned against using particular Netgear routers.

One hundred experiments designed by Australian students are now on their way to space.

The Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) has put up $120 million for a wind farm in Barnaby Joyce’s electorate.

Australian scientists have designed a crystal nano-antenna that turns darkness into visible light.

Santos says it will save about $2 billion over three years by spinning off its non-essential assets.

Australia has seen its worst economic results since the global financial crisis, but Malcolm Turnbull says it is just “a bump in the road”.

An international team featuring local expertise has plumbed the possibilities of advanced nano-materials.

Nanotechnology could be the solution to dust problems in industrial areas.

Environmentalists are concerned about the amount of mining industry figures on an NT Government-appointed board.

The CSIRO has backed emissions trading as the way to cut power bills and hit carbon targets.

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