Australia has spoken at a meeting intended to stabilise energy markets.

The NSW Government wants a builder for its Sydney Metro West project.

NBN Co has begun to test the feasibility of mmWave for future fixed wireless systems.

Research suggests the carbon-capturing abilities of some forests may not be as expected.

OPEC+ has reached a deal to cut oil production by 9.7 million barrels per day.

A literal “trick of the light” has been used to detect imperfections in next-gen solar cells.

An Australian company has been given the green light for a large rare earths project in WA.

New developments mean the world may soon see all-solid-state battery technology.

Apple and Google are working to build contact tracing technology into their operating systems.

Expert teams have come up with new methods for the rapid production of desperately needed medical equipment.

The quest to create meat without the need for animal agriculture continues.

A new study has reviewed failed freeways around the world.

Griffith engineers are using ‘nanobelts’ to increase the production of hydrogen fuel.

Experts say a by-product of steel making can be used to both treat wastewater and make stronger concrete.

The NSW Government says planning processes will be fast-tracked to support the construction sector.

An international team of researchers have developed a ‘smart toilet’ that can analyse the chemistry of urine and stool.

ARENA has commissioned a study of pumped hydro potential in regional NSW.

Australian industry could turn to tequila to ease its fuel shortage woes.

Australian researchers have developed an improved laser system that will help large optical telescopes gather more accurate data.

The Federal Government has detailed its latest emissions-reduction purchases.

Experts say green technologies are ripe to help Australian industry emerge from hibernation.

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