Researchers are growing bacteria into wires for electronics.

Australia is expanding water quality monitoring from space.

The Australian government has invested $1 billion in the US-based quantum computer startup, PsiQuantum.

Mining giants BHP and Vale have proposed a $38 billion settlement over the catastrophic failure of the Samarco tailings dam in 2015.

Engineers have developed a brick made from recycled materials that promises to reduce household energy costs.

Concern has been raised around a gas deal meant to secure the NT’s energy future.

The IEA wants to ensure global climate pledges are carried out.

The Resources Minister has excused herself from decision-making on the contentious Petroleum Export Permit 11 (PEP-11).

WA has urged the Commonwealth to apply its “use it or lose it” policy for energy companies holding undeveloped offshore gas field licences.

BHP's proposed a takeover of Anglo American has been knocked back.

A once leading figure in Australian regulation says a fancy slogan could hinder progress.

Woodside Energy has weathered shareholders’ rejection of its climate plan.

Bitcoin’s big shift has cut rewards and shifted the mining landscape.

Top cops have asked big tech firms for more help.

A technological breakthrough has allowed NASA to regain communication with a distant spacecraft.

Climate change is set to slash global income by 19 per cent.

A new sustainability initiative imposes stricter standards for government contracting.

Researchers in the US say billions could be saved by a switch to green wastewater infrastructure.

BHP has brought in Deloitte to help it address underpayment issues.

Engineers have come up with a way to tag and observe individual proteins within cells.

Experts urge Victoria to bolster roads, electricity networks, and buildings against escalating extreme weather events.

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