Australian researchers have helped develop advanced microelectronics that are resistant to harsh radiation in space.

A major miner is building a real-time digital twin of a gold mine in NSW.

CSIRO says Australia could save over $200 million in transport costs per year by using inland rail.

The architects of a $10 billion cyclone reinsurance pool say a similar fund is needed for other natural disasters.

An experienced energy industry figure has described Snowy 2.0 as a $10 billion white elephant.

A new ‘smart coating’ is being developed that can remove mercury from water while also protecting the inside of pipes.

Scientists have developed an immune system on a chip.

The NSW Government is staying quiet on the cost of planned drought security projects.

Australian researchers are working on ways to improve the passage of high-tech nano-particles through the body.

Hoverfly brains have been mapped to detect the sound of distant drones.

A NSW coal mine is back on the table after a string of legal issues.

Swedish scientists say spider silk can stabilise a cancer-suppressing protein.

Australian billionaires are pouring money into the world’s largest solar and battery project.

Federal funding has been opened up for innovative hydrogen fuel projects.

A federal MP wants the Queensland Government to stop a wind farm development in Far North Queensland.

The manufacturing of electronic chips has been hit hard by the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Scientists have come up with a new way to clean solar panels without using water.

The Eureka flag has been banned on federally-funded building sites after ...

Australian researchers have received neuromorphic data from space after installing bio-inspired cameras on the International Space Station (ISS).

Santos's new offshore LNG field could produce more carbon dioxide than LNG.

The head of the government's disaster recovery agency has been told to resign after brashly criticising floodplain development.

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